Not Sold
1. R. Mosley / Globe Mineral / Water Works / Robt. Mosley / Trade (Globe with R. M Initials) Mark / Registered / Flemington Bridge / Melbourne // This bottle is the property / of / R. Mosley / & cannot be legally / used by others / Please / replace stopper. 72 on the lip. Base: M8?? / M / AGM. Plain stopper. 2. O'Neill Bros / Trade (ONB Monogram) Mark / North Fitzroy / Please Replace / "Stopper" // M. G. B. W. Co. Base: O'N / B. Plain stopper. 3. Colac Aerated Water Co / Geo. Hay / Prop. 12 on the lip. Base: Hard to read straight line AGM. Plain Stopper. 4. Lemonade / A. Deans & Co / Trade (AD Monogram) / Mark / Ararat / This bottle is the property / of A. Deans & Co, & Cannot / Legally be used by others. Base: 1 Modern AGM Monogram / F1490 / M / small impressed 430. 5. E. Rowlands / Ballarat / Melbourne / and / Sydney. Base: Dot over M. (Victoria & New South Wales). Aerated Water. Various. Various. 231 - 278 mm. 1900s - 1950s