Sold for A$620
Jacka Bros. Melrose Ales, Stout, Aerated Waters & Cordials. Shaped like a bottle with a corkscrew as the opener part! Patented 1912. (South Australia). Aerated Water. Bottle Opener. Patented crown seal opener shaped like a bottle with a corkscrew and a glass of frothy ale! 80 mm long. 1910s
Good. (N/A). Rusty. The writing is hard to see on some angles due to the rust, but it should clean up a fair bit! Has Patd. Mar 12 - 1912 on it as well. Absolutely fabulous item, the protruding part used as the actual opener is the handle of the corkscrew - quite ingenious! I have never seen one of these before, would be a great go with for your Jacka Bros. bottle collection. Estimate: $50-75