Sold for A$30
Original packaging and bottle with contents: Box: Top label: I guarantee that / this preparation is / made according to the / formulae recommended / by me. / GR Sims. Front of box: This is "Tatcho" Oily (See Note) / Note :- If you prefer it absolutely spirituous / ask for "Tatcho" non-oily. / "Tatcho" / Trade Mark / The / "George. R. Sims" / (Portrait of George) / Hair Renewer / Produces, Preserves / & Beautifies. / Certificate / I guarantee that this / Preparation is made according to / the Formulae recommended by me / Geo R Sims / Directions.- Sprinkle a few drops on / the head each morning, & brush the / hair thoroughly, after application, the / best hair brush is the new style Tatcho / hair health brush. / Obtainable at all toilet stores. / "Tatcho" Laboratories, 5, Great Queen St., / Kingsway London, England. / This label is registered. Right side label: Certificate. / "I guarantee that this Preparation is made according to / the Formulae recommended by me. Geo R Sims. Left side label: This is "Tatcho" Oily (see Note) / Note.- There is also "Tatcho" Non-oily if you prefer it absolutely spirituous. Rear label: The / "George R. Sims" / Sample trial bottle / 4/6 size for / 1/10 / "Tatcho" / Produces, / Preserves, / Beautifies. / A hair tonic & Dressing / The George R. Sims / Hair Restorer Company, / 5, Great Queen Street, Kingsway, / London, England. Bottle has the original lead seal: Trade / Tatcho / Mark / Betts. Neck label: Geo R Sims / Hair / Renewer / "Tatcho" / Romany / for / "Genuine" / "Good" / "True". Front label: The / "George. R. Sims" / "Tatcho" / Trade Mark. (Portrait of George) "Tatcho" / Trade Mark. / Hair Renewer / Produces, Preserves & Beautifies. / Directions.- Apply with small Sponge, rub well / into the roots of the hair, and brush the scalp / thoroughly after application. The best brush / to use is the Tatcho Hair Health Brush. / Certificate. / "I guarantee that this preparation is made / according to the formulae recommended by me." / Geo R Sims / Tatcho Laboratories: / 5, Great Queen St., Kingsway London, Eng. / J.S.W This label is registered. There is a rear label as well containing important notes about the three different forms of Tatcho. The bottle is embossed down one side: "Tatcho", down the other side: Geo R. Sims. Base embossed: 276. Medicine Hair Lotion Applied top. Clear. 12 oz. 203 mm. 1900s