Not Sold
3 Pharmacy Items: 1. Bottle with original label, seal and contents: Seal on top: A & P Ld / London. Label: Camphor Pilules. / (Dr. Rubini.) / An agreeable and effective method of administering / Camphor, obviating the necessity of dropping on sugar or in / water, as in the case of the Tincture. / DOSE. - Two or three pilules, to be slowly dissolved on the / tongue. Each pilule is equal to one drop of the Concentrated / Tincture of Camphor (Dr. Rubini.) / Ashton & Parsons, Ltd., Homoeopathic Chemists, / La Belle Sauvage, Ludgate Hill, London, E.C. Bottle is shoulder embossed: Ashton & // Parsons Ltd. Base Embossed: (Crown TM). 2. Bottle with original label and contents: Label: Homoeopathic Camphor Pills / For cold in the head, Cholera, Diarrhoea, and / Cramp in the Stomach. / DOSE. - One or two every quarter or half hour, / according to the severity of the symptoms / Kempthorne, Prosser & Co. / (Kiwi) / Trade Mark / New Zealand Drug Company, Limited / Dunedin, Christchurch, / Wellington and Auckland. Bottle is unembossed. 3. Original Wooden Container with bottle inside. Label on box: Rhus toxicodendron. Bottle has label: Light acting chemically, the medicine must be / kept in the dark. / Rhus toxicodendron. / For external application. / Dilute in four parts of water. / Th. Delattre, Chemist and Pharmaceutist / to / Dr. Fischer's Homoeopathic Institution, / Queen-Street, Auckland, New Zealand. Bottle is unembossed. Base mark: Pontil. Medicine Pharmacy 1. Applied top. Emerald Green. 2 oz. 94 mm. 2. Applied top, flare lip, three piece mould. Green. 1.5 oz. 82 mm. 3. Applied top, flare lip. Pontil. Clear. 1 oz. 82 mm. N/A. 1860s-1900s