Sold for A$10
1. (Crown) / (D in a Shield) / (small embossed square 4) / (Crown / Quality in a Shield) / Dante's / (Sailing Boat) / Superior Flavours / 900 ml // (small embossed QGM Monogram Q432) / The Quality Refreshment / Dante's Cordials / Ingham / Preservatised and/or Artificially / Coloured as stated on seal / This bottle is the property of / Dante's Cordials Ingham. Smooth base. (Queensland) 2. McMahon's / Ipswich / (small embossed O in a square 20 / Contents / 32 / FL OZ / McMahon's / Ipswich // (small embossed QGM Monogram ISQ 432) / Please Return / This / McMahon's / Ipswich / 32 / FL OZ / Bottle for Refund. Smooth base. (Queensland) 3. 1 / Litre / (Fruit or Sunburst) / Golden Circle // 1 / Litre / (Fruit or Sunburst) / Golden Circle / (small embossed QGM Monogram 448 6 3 in a square). Smooth base. (Queensland) Aerated Water Screw Top Ceramic Label. 900ml, 32 oz & 1 Litre. 295-305 mm. 1960s-1970s