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2 Packaged bottles: 1. Boxed item: On lid: Price 2/6. On front of box: (Man holding dagger TM) / Virility. On right side of box: By means of this highly Concentrated Essence, a powerful and valuable / Phosphoric Tonic of the highest efficiency in Nervous Complaints and / Debility, is brought within the means of all Sufferers. Its use will inevitably / be followed by increased vitality if the Directions be closely followed. / Full directions are enclosed in this packet. On rear of box: Royle's Tonic Essence / Price 2/6 / Saves 12/6 / Unity / ... / The Unity Drug Co. Ltd. Wellington / (Virility TM). On left side of box: An established remedy for - Nervous debility, neuralgia, nervous head- / ache, neuritis, mental exhaustion, faintness, sleeplessness, lassitude, indigestion / weakness, malaria, loss of appetite, aneamia, hysteria, brain fag, exhaustion / and all functional disorders of the nerves. On bottom of box: Price / 2/6. Inside the box are the directions and information on a range of Royle's products. There is a label inside to be placed on the bottle of Mixed Tonic as well. The bottle is corked with original label: Royle's / Tonic Essence / An exceptionally / valuable tonic / for / nerve, brain & body. / Directions. / ... / Unity Drug Co. / Limited / Wellington. Botlte is unembossed. Base mark: Small pimple in middle of base. 2. Boxed item: Front of box: Trade / (Flower) / Mark / Rexien / (Registered Trade Mark). / A most valuable Healing Liquid for / Sores of all kinds, an excellent Gargle / for Sore Throat, Wash for Mouth, cure / for Chapped Hands and Cracked Lips / Directions. - .... / Neil's Dispensaries, / Dunedin, Invercargill, Timaru and Auckland. On rear of box: Neils / Trade / (Flower) Mark / George / St. / Dunedin. Bottle is labelled: Rexien / (Registered Trade Mark). / .... Bottle is unembossed. Base Mark: A.G.M. / 4. Medicine Cure 1. Applied top, tooled finish. Clear. 2 oz. 2. Machine made. Clear. 3 oz. N/A. 1910s/1930s