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Boxed item. Front of box: This bottle contains / 5 ozs. nett weight. / Trade (Plough A.D. 1715.) Mark / A valuable digestive / and / tonic nerve food / "Byno" Trade Mark / Lecithin / Malted Lecithin / Containing under 16 % Proof Spirit / A combination of Lecithin / with the Cinchona and Nux / Vomica alkaloids in solution / of 'Bynin', pure active Liquid / Malt. A dietetic Nerve Tonic / of high therapeutic value. / Allen & Hanbury's / Limited. / Lombard Street, London. / West End House, 7. Vere St., London, W. / Branches. / United States: Niagara Falls, N.Y. / Canada: Gerrard Street East, Toronto. / Australasia: Market St., Sydney. / South Africa: Smith Street, Durban. / Copyright. On right side of box: "BYNO" LECITHIN, a valuable tonic nerve food and digestive, presenting Lecithin in com- / bination with "Bynin," pue active Liquid Malt, together with the Alkaloids of Cinchona and / Nux Vommica. / "BYNO" LECITHIN is at once digestive, a tonic and a food; it exerts a stimulating and reconstructive action / on the enfeebled nervou system, and greatly improves general nutrition, The tonic properties of the Alkaloids / of Cinchona and Nux Vomica increase the therapeutic effects of the product. On the rear of the box: Special / Malted Combinations / Manufactured by / Allen & Hanburys Ltd. / 'Bynin', liquid malt. / The perfection of Malt Extracts. Active / and palatable, and free from the un- / pleasant viscidity of the ordinary thick / Extracts. An effective aid to the / digestion of starchy foods. / 'Bynin' Amara. / An analogue of Easton's Syrup, but / much pleasanter to take, easier of as- / similation, and therapeutically superior. / 'Bynin' Emulsion. / An Emulsion of tghe finest Cod-Liver / Oil and "Bynin," Liquid Malt, with the / Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. It / is palatable, and easy of digestion and / assimilation. / 'Bynol,' The Allenbury' Malt and Oil / An intimate combination of Malt Extract / and Cod-Liver Oil, containing a high / percentage of the latter. but so blended / that oil globules are imperceptible under / the microscope, and all taste of Cod- / Liver Oil is overcome. Children relish it. / 'Byno Cascada'. / A palatable combination of the tonic / aperient principles of Cascara Sagrada / and Rhamnus Frangula with the di- / gestive properties of "Bynin," Liquid / Malt. / 'Byno' Glycerophosphates. / A combination of the Glycerophosphates / of Iron, Lime, Potash, Magnesia and / Soda, with "Bynin," Liquid Malt. A / good and palatable food tonic in nervous / trouables. This preparation may advan- / tageously be used in conjunction with the "Allenburys" Diet, a partially / predigested milk and wheaten food. On the left side of the box: Special Malted Combinations. / Manufactured by Allen & Hanburys Ltd. London. / 'Byno' Haemoglobin. / Contains one drachm of Haemoglobin in one ounce / of "Bynin," Liquid Malt. A most efficient way of / administering this easily absorbed organic com- / pound of iron in anaemia and kindred disorders. / 'Byno' Hypophosphites. / An analogue of the official Syr. Hypophos. Comp. / in which "Bynin," Liquid Malt, an active diges- / tive agent, replaces the inert, and sometimes / harmful, sugar. A valuable general tonic. / 'Byno' Phosphates. / A dietetically improved Chemical / Food. A digestive tonic and re- / storative for growing and delicate / children. Inside the box there is the original pamphlet and also a post card from Allen & Hanbury's of Sydney. The bottle is labelled with original seal, contents and labels. Seal says: Trade Mark (Plough) A.D. 1715. Small label down the rear says: Shake the bottle. Main front label says: This bottle contains / 5 ozs. nett weight. / Trade "Byno" Mark / Lecithin / Malted Lecithin / A valuable tonic nerve food / and digestive. / Containing under 16% Proof Spirit. / A combination of Lecithin with the Cin- / chona and Nux Vomica alkaloids in solution / of "Bynin", pure active Liquid Malt. A diet- / etic Nerve Tonic and digestive of high thera- / peutic value. / Lecithin is a most important constituent / of the substance of the brain and spinal cord, / and is present also in unvarying quantity / in the liver cells. It serves, therefore, an / essential function in the maintenance of / nutrition. / Each ounce of "Byno" Lecithin contains / 4 grains of Lecithin. / DOSE. / A ta ble-spoonful three times a day, / half-an-hour before meals. / This preparation contains a small quantity / of Nux Vomica equal to 1 40th grain of / Strychnine in each ounce, and must,, there- / for, in conformity with the Sale of Poisons / Act, 1868, be labelled POISON. / Guaranteed under the Pure Food Act / of New South Wales, 1908, by / Allen & Hanburys (Australasia) Ltd / No. 25. / Manufactured by / Allen & Hanburys Ltd., / 37, Lombard St., London. / Australasia: Market Str., Sydney. / A. There is a label underneath as well that says 14. Bottle is embossed down each side in an indented panel: Allen & Hanburys. No base mark. Medicine Cure Applied top, amber. 5 oz. 151 mm. 1910s