Lot 282: Maltine Antique Bottle Original Box Contents

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Boxed Item: Front of box: Sticker over original packaging: Ten Gold Medals / and highest Award of Merit / MALTO- / CARRAGEN. / MALTINE is a concentrated extract of Malted / Barley, Malted Wheat and Malted Oats, and contains / all the beneficial and nutritious principles that can / be extracted from these three important cereals. / It possesses from five to ten times the virtues of / any alcoholic or fermented Extract of Malt; as it / contains much larger proportions of Nitrogenous / matter, Carbo-hydrates and Phosphates, and is / richer in bone-producing, fat- and muscle-making / elements. It is unrivalled as a natural solvent of / bread, pastry, and all other farinaceous food, and / is, therefore, an invaluable aid to sound and healthy / digestion. / Each pint consists of / Maltine and hops . . . 14 fluid ounces / Carrageen . . . . . 1 fluid ounce / Yerbine . . . . . 1 " / Directions for use. / For adults. - From a dessert-spoonful to a table- / spoonful five or six times a day. Children in pro- / portion. / It may be taken in milk, wine or water. Brandy / or other stimulants may be added when desirable. / Price 3s. 6d. / Prepared by the / Maltine Manufacturing Co. / (Limited), / 24 & 25, Hart Street, Bloomsbury, / London. On right side of box: Award of Merit, International Medical Exhibition, London, 1881. / Gold Medal / 1880-81 / Melboune Exhibition / Trade Mark / Gold Medal / Adelaide 1881 / Adelaide Exhibition. On rear of box: The only gold medal awarded at the International Health / Exhibition, London, 1884, for Malt Extracts, / was given for / "MALTINE" / (Malted Wheat, Barley and Oats), the original and ONLY preparation / composed of these three cereals. / MALTINE is equal (in daistatic power) to from 3 to 5 bottles of any other Extract of Malt in the Market. / Distatic Value - 30 times its own weight. MALTINE will not congeal or ferment. / Physicians sshould be careful to use the word "MALTINE" in their precriptions, and not simply the words "Extract of / Malt" or "Malt Extract." / Gold Medal, Calcutta Exhibition, 1884. Golde Medal, International Exhibition, Crystal Palace, 1884. / Ten Gold Medals. / The above Awards must satisfy all Medical Men that "Maltine" is the best, and, therefore, the cheapest Malt Extract which they can prescribe. One left side of box: Award of Merit, International Medical Exhibition, London, 1881. / Gold Medal / 1880-81 / Melboune Exhibition / Trade Mark / Gold Medal / Adelaide 1881 / Adelaide Exhibition. Now onto the bottle, it is still full, corked and labelled with the original seal on top which reads: Maltine Manufacturing Co / Limited / London. Label reads: MALTO / CARRAGEEN. / Each pint contains: / Maltine and Hops. 14 fl. oz. / Carrageen . . . 1 oz. / Yerbine . . . . 1 oz. / MALTINE is a concentrated / extract of Malted Barley, Malted Wheat / and Malted Oats, and contains all / the beneficial and nutritious prin- / ciples that can be extracted from / these three important cereals. / It possesses from five to ten times / the virtues of any alcoholic or fer- / mented Extract of Malt; as it / contains much larger proportions of / Nitrogenous matter, Carbo-hydrates / and Phosphates, and is richer in / bone-producing, fat- and muscle- / making elements. It is unrivalled / as a natural solvent of bread, pastry, / and all other farinaceous food, and / is, therefore, an invaluable aid to / sound and healthy / digestion. / Directions for use / From dessert to tablespoonful / three times a day. / Prepared by the / Maltine Manufacturing Co. / (Limited), / 24 & 25, Hart St., Bloomsbury / London. Bottle embossed to opposite side: The Maltine / Manufacturing Coy / Limited / London. No base mark. Medicine Cure Applied top, aqua. Pint. 176 mm. 1890s

Mint. This is a crudely made, early bottle. Plenty of airbubbles evident, including a surface bubble to the front embossing area, another under the base and an unusual inclusion in the glass under the base as well. The contents are no longer liquefied in this piece. Staples to the side of the box have rusted, otherwise this bottle and its packaging are just amazing in all facets. Grade: 9.9 Estimate: $20 - 30
Maltine Antique Bottle Original Box Contents
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